I'm currently on my way to Hawai'i to do a Permaculture Internship on an organic farm on the Big Island. After that I plan to get certified on Orcas Island, WA. From there I'll be looking at settling back in BC somewhere again - unless something spectacular happens in Hawai'i!
I grew up in a larger Canadian city that I've never equated with green in any way. Which later brought me to Vancouver Island, spending the last 6 years -prior to Arizona- living in Victoria. Here I felt much more at ease in a fairly progressive city with green roofs, local CSAs and some people who were interested in living with less impact. Maybe it had to do with the fact that you were surrounded by beauty and close to such luscious Nature.
I'm a kind-hearted person, the strong-silent type and a giver. I've been practicing yoga regularly for the past 5 years, meditate and believe in the principles of Buddhism. I love to be in nature and near water. I believe in staying youthful and exploring the wonder that lies in this passion. I'm intelligent, but humble. I like to read and consider myself an activist. Subjects I'm passionate about are philosophy, eco-literacy, environmental activism, jungian psychology, aboriginal cultures and stories.
Like-minded and practice what you preach. Warm-hearted and comfortable with who you are and where you're going on this amazing journey that is life. You've traveled and more importantly, learned from it. Open-minded and creative, you enjoy taking time in the qualities that life offers you. You care and are passionate about the reality we face as a global culture and are forging your own path. And.. You're looking for a partner to share in this experience with you